Carbon Neutral offer a series of options for organisations and businesses seeking to invest in carbon sequestration (carbon farming) projects. These range from turn-key projects that Carbon Neutral has identified, assessed, and developed to investment status, through to partnerships where Carbon Neutral works closely with its clients to find and develop projects meeting specific requirements.
Carbon Neutral can facilitate a range of different project methodologies including:
Project Identification and Feasibility Assessment
Potential carbon farming projects are assessed against a range of criteria, but most fundamentally the efficiency with which carbon can be sequestered from the atmosphere in accordance with one or more methodologies. Financial viability is only part of the equation – a project’s capacity to deliver co-benefits, including habitat restoration, bio-diversity enhancement, complementary production (timber, bush-tucker, etc.) and community engagement are also determined to arrive at an overall project assessment.
Project Design
Defining project boundaries and establishing a baseline against which sequestration can be measured are the first steps in project design. Planting configurations are refined, and, for HIR and Soil projects, management regimes develop to meet the project’s objectives.
Project Structure
Financial and contractual arrangements are tailored to the specific requirements of project participants.
Carbon Accounting and Monitoring
Accurately quantifying the sequestration achieved by a project is crucial. This involves establishing robust monitoring systems to track project activities in accordance with the requirements of the project’s chosen methodology(ies). Regular carbon inventory measurements are undertaken and submitted to the Clean Energy Regulator, which then issues ACCUs to the project proponent.
Auditing, Verification and Certification
Independent third-party auditing ensures the credibility and integrity of the project’s sequestered carbon, enabling project proponents to receive the highest quality certified carbon credits, which can be traded or used to offset emissions.
Stakeholder Engagement and Consultation
Engaging and consulting with local communities, representatives of First Nations groups, landowners, and other stakeholders is important for project success. This is an integral part of Carbon Neutral’s service to its clients.
Carbon Neutral’s Project Development Services help facilitate the development and implementation of carbon offset projects, enabling organisations and individuals to support climate action and reduce their carbon footprints.

Contribute to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals
Carbon Neutral can help you support carbon offset projects that deliver on the SDGs. Our Yarra Yarra Biodiversity Corridor project and the international offset projects we are licensed to sell contribute to different combinations of the 17 Goals.
We can help you balance your carbon footprint by supporting the projects that fits your business’ strategy and scope, such as focusing on locations or causes most relevant to them.