True Green® Hosting
Since May 2015

41+ tonnes of c02 offset
Committed to working towards net zero emissions and addressing the climate crisis.
1839+ trees planted
Helping to reverse the impact of deforestation, restore ecosystems and improve biodiversity.
About True Green® Hosting
True Green® Hosting helps businesses measure and offset their digital carbon footprint in Australia so that Mother Roo can be proud of our efforts. Today's websites are powered mostly by dirty fossil fuels, driven by the electricity that keeps data centres humming. The internet is responsible for around 3% of global carbon emissions, which is expected to grow in future years, on top of the e-waste produced from these activities. In 2023, our network's average green web hosting site contributed to 332kg of C02, equivalent to charging 45,000 smartphones. True Green® Hosting helps to build a greener web by keeping data local, planting trees in Australia, offsetting carbon based on real website page views and supporting environmental causes as part of the Solar for Schools program. True Green® was the first hosting company to introduce an annual website carbon report card and offset program. We provide secure and reliable web hosting, email hosting and domain name services for Australian small businesses. Say G'Day to us and join the green web movement.